Search and EOD Equipment
Never has the need for vigilance been greater, be it on the lookout for people, explosives or contraband. As such DSE International’s range of search mirrors are designed to be comfortable, robust and offer a high level of illumination to help pinpoint any suspicious objects.
A short rigid mirror arm fitted, as standard, with a 2D cell splash-proof rubber sleeved torch. The mirror mount is set at 45° and is supplied with a 140mm mirror as standard although other mirrors are available. Other features include a lanyard for secure handling and a spare Lamp enclosed in the base cap of the Torch.
An ideal mirror system for general purpose security and under-vehicle searches
Weight: 835g
Length: 470mm
- EOD Search and Access Kits
- Search and EOD Equipment
- Search Mirrors and Metal Detectors
E: [email protected]
Portable x-ray. As logos Imaging’s exclusive UK agent we are pleased to able to announce a complete range of new glass free DR flat panel imagers ranging from 6"x8" to 14"x17".